Thursday, September 8, 2011


Okay. I'm trying this new formatting for blogspot. I like change but I'm treading water here keeping up with technological advances.

Where have I been?

I truly have been watching movies. Netflix DVD's and streamed movies to my computer.

Right now I've rented enough Poirot movies and am now hooked on Midsomer Murders. It's a British detective series. I like British mysteries. There is less violence...the coppers don't hit, yell or shoot people. They don't show the gory details of the murders. And they actually have numerous suspects with motives, give clues, toss in red-herrings, and have sympathetic characters. Midsomer Murders with Chief Inspector Barnaby don't tell stories of evil, they're just detective stories.

I was going to watch the PD James series but some of the movies are out of sync on streaming and that is so frustrating to see lips move and not hear what they said for several seconds later. It's amazing how dependent my hearing is on vision...lip reading.

I have nothing else to add. I hope all of you are missing me. 

I actually went to a movie theater. Had to see the last Harry Potter movie. And get the taste of movie theater popcorn.

Reminder: I'm still waiting for a new Matthew Goode movie. (SIGH) 

Hey! I totally love this new formatting. Pick your font, color, and size. Can I pick young, thin and taller, too?

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