Sunday, December 26, 2010

Julie and Julia, Meryl Streep and Amy Adams

To rent or buy. Go for it.

I have been watching several movies with Amy Adams and feel, by now, that Amy Adams is my best friend.

I absolutely love Julie and Julia. Both actresses are wonderful.

It's well done and parts of it are delicious.

It is destined to sell a lot of books..Julia Child's cook books, memoires, and bios, and Julie Powell's books, too, if you like her sort of book. I am told not to base her readability on this movie, but you may if you prefer.

As the credits say at the beginning, the movie is based on two true stories.

In my opinion this movie, as far as true stories go, is more entertaining that Eat, Pray, Love.

Don't miss it. Fun movie and good acting all around.

I can't be called a critic because I love most movies. Except The Departed. Even Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is better than The Departed. Oh, that goes for the HORROR movie, too, Shatter Island. Horrid movie. Broke my heart. Avoid it.

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