Friday, May 11, 2012

The Man Who Wasn't There


I conjured up a movie on Netflix streaming last night and I wasn't sure I'd like it because of a few unimportant reasons.

One, it was done in black & white. Two, it had Billy Bob Thornton in it (heck, he WAS it) and three, I thought it would be just another boring thriller suspense mystery crime drama like I watch everyday. 

Then I saw it was a Coen brothers movie and I wouldn't have missed it for the world!

The Coen brothers have a deeply disturbing sense of humor. That's my kinda guy.

This was a good movie. There was nothing about this movie that wasn't good. There is no way I'm going to say a word without it being a spoiler. You have to see this one and appreciate it for yourself.

It's a work of art.

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