Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dark Matter

I checked Dark Matter out of my local library and slipped it in the DVD player. I had an idea (from the cover) that it was a mystery or a crime solving story.

When I realized it wasn't and being puzzled, I paused it and looked it up on IMDb.

Dark Matter staring Liu Ye, Aidan Quinn & Meryl Streep, was loosely based on the graduate student that flipped out a number of years ago and opened fire on several of his classmates and professors.

I researched the true story behind it...and then how the movie differed as to character and motive development and decided I didn't like the true story or where the movie headed with it.

I stopped the DVD player, put the DVD back in the case and returned it to the library without taking another look. (It's nice we don't have to rewind DVDs.)

I can't handle difficult plots (based on true incidents or otherwise) that bring out the unfairness and/or tragedy of human life in a too realistic way.

I don't necessarily want everything to be funny, happy, light and sugary. But this just wasn't my "cup of tea" even though it's about some subjects I do like: academia and astronomy.

[Aside: Don't ask me about that stuff. I was under the mistaken impression that A Beautiful Mind was science fiction. Imagine my shock when it really wasn't spies chasing John Nash around campus.]

Even if stories about pain and/or tragedy are not for me, you can still watch DM and decide for yourself. This might be one of the good movies. It's good acting, good script, fascinating and classy. Great music, too.

Perhaps you might decide it's NOT about pain or tragedy.

We don't all have to like the same cup of tea (or movies). Earl Grey?

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