Saturday, June 11, 2011


Click title above for a list of awards and wins for this movie and cast.

Beaucoup beaucoup awards. That's French for "mucho" or "a lot" in English.

I don't know how I missed seeing this movie up until now. It hit the theaters January 1, 2001.

It's a good movie. Everyone was great. John Malkovich has a little trouble with accents but it was easy to overlook them.

Willem Dafoe was unbelievably good considering most people haven't got a clue who he is. His costume and make-up were so well done no one would recognize him anyway.

I don't know why Dafoe was nominated and won Academy award for that. He clearly stole the show. (Maybe Malkovich's agent was better at contracts.)

The movie was clearly a fantasy and in no way "horror" genre. It wasn't exactly a drama either.

In fact, it probably doesn't fit any category other than weird. It stands alone. This is true, take my word for it.

There are some funny elements undoubtedly designed to make fun of the original movie: A German silent film in 1922 called Nosferatu-Eine Symphonie des Grauens (Nosferatu-a Symphony of Horror). It was the movie that this movie was about filming it. Or however you say that. (English teacher please forgive me. I really WAS listening.)

See it for yourself. I can't figure out what else to say about it other than I liked it.

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