Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nim's Island -- A Kid Movie, Sort Of

I don't think I'm the one to review Nim's Island competely because I am a dyed-in-the-wool Gerard Butler fan...and they pronounce his name right in the trailer...it sort of like Gerald except with an r or ah, or like Jared. Good.

I will say the story was good--well-done screenplay. Special effects were believable. No one was killed, even the strange lizards that allowed themselves to be lobbed at the island "invaders."

Abigail Breslin was wonderful...she is the Academy Award winner for Little Miss Sunshine. The otheractors took a back seat to her performance and allowed her to be the star. In fact, Gerry Butler took a very far back seat and downplayed his parts...he played the Dad and the character of the author's adventure novels.

Jodie Foster was wonderful. There is nothing more to say, she blew me away. Perfect in a fantastical comedy, taking it seriously throughout. Bravo, Jodie.

Worth seeing even if you aren't a child.


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