Saturday, April 28, 2007


I must make a comment here even though it's not about a movie. The CSI shows.

The original CSI is set in Las Vegas, thought I doubt it is really filmed there. Having lived there I don't think they have big or numerous trees, grassy yards, and real soil--it's all sand. We're talking about the desert, severe desert. I lived there for 14 years. And there has not been a shot of the front of any police station in Las Vegas in the show. But the illusion of being in Vegas is good, I'm okay with that. I think the police procedurals are very true to life as it pertains to crime investigation and legal matters, except when the detective sits in a room and badgers a suspect into talking without legal counsel. I worked at the LVMPD for 10 years and I know what's legal and what isn't as far as investigating and prosecuting. No, I wasn't a cop. It was "support."

Anyway, I forgive them for any errors as they appear to be minimal.

I like the dark setting. In fact, I often compare CSI show to The X-Files, one of my all-time favorites. CSI's done the same stylistic way, only without aliens. (And I think next week CSI is bringing in the aliens! YAY.) It's great that they show a little of the personal lives of the characters but nothing overwhelming, which would make it into a soap opera. One show that shows more of the personal life is Numbers. It's just enough. I really enjoy the fabulous acting of all the characters in Numbers. Although, I wish they would stop tampering with Larry's personality and keep him consistent. But that's a topic for another blog.)

CSI is stylized and creepy and sometimes tongue-in-cheek funny like the one April 26th.

I think the most handsome man and the most realistic is the coroner who does the autopsies.

The imitators of CSI: CSI NY and CSI Miami fall short of the excellence that the original CSI attains. The characters in those two spin-0ffs are wooden. The settings, especially Miami, are strange because they use the computerized backgrounds of bright yellow, as if they are in Miami and filming in bright sunlight.

The plots on CSI Miami are unrealistic and very seldom show a realism according to the way police matters are actually handled. The "star" (hat strawberry-blond man who ruined NYPD and surely must be old enough to be turning grey by now?) seems to wander into the set and make a short one line quip and that's it!!! He could phone that in. He sounds mysterious like a Dicken's character only in way fewer words.

Well, I am sticking to CSI and leaving the others to the people who think CSI Miami & NY are good.

And since I seldom watch CSI NY, I don't have any further comments on that one. I do think Without a Trace is the more realistic show set in NY.

Comments are welcome. But, no "flaming" comments, please--let's keep it academic and intellectual and refrain from flinging insults in a childish manner. Unless you are a child and what they heck are you doing watching CSI?

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